8 Years In

Today marks LOFT’s eighth birthday and that is remarkable to me. 

LOFT started as a voice whispering… “Are you willing?” and me answering “no thank you” multiple times over the course of a few days. I had just had my first baby after experiencing a miscarage earlier that year and I fully intended on taking the time to dive into the Martha Stuart life I had imagined for myself. You know the one, I was imagining the clear labelled container pantry before it was the “thing” the Home Edit has made today. The rest of the story continues because eventually (approximately 48 hours later) I said yes to the calling and sent out an email letting my students know I was intending to continue teaching dance in the fall. 

I am celebrating this year by looking back and seeing how many of those choices have led us to where we are today. The “Simon, Joanne” in me would like to take credit for the accomplishments experienced so far, but I know through my studies as a believer, that God will choose the individual who is least likely to succeed without some serious God  involvement. Moses: for example was terrified of public speaking but was used to be the voice of a nation calling out the highest of all world leaders in his day. Jesus knew that Peter would betray him and still chose him as the representation of the church. And David… well, let’s not dive too deep into his misguided behaviour. I don’t want to have to censor today’s post but He was used to demonstrate a heart that was chasing after God. It was all essential. I have taken so much peace in this during some of the decisions I have had to make in guiding LOFT’s trajectory. 

I recognize that the way we do things here may not make sense to all. I had a phone a few years ago that if I wanted to share a file with another person who had the same phone all we would have to do is hold our phones together and the file would be shared. The amount of times I wished I could touch my forehead to yours to be able to share with you our reasons and logic behind the things we do has never been stronger than this last year. So I am going to attempt to do that now through the old form of communication- written. 

At LOFT we have a guiding verse that all of our choices get pressure tested against. You have probably seen it on our social media but just in case you haven’t here it is.

Jesus replied: “’Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Matthew 22:37-40

Of course LOFT is interesting because we are not a denomination or affiliated with any particular church type organisation so when we need to make decisions it is not always a straightforward process. Some circumstances have an obvious course while others cause tension or disagreement. I have recognized that tension is not a “bad” feeling. It is absolutely essential in refining the end result- although it can be massively uncomfortable. I know that ultimately LOFT will continue to be a place that aspires to uplift our community through loving the people God has created (that is all the people just so ya know. Feel free to insert an eye roll here and recognize who you may be leaving off your list of people to love and then maybe say a little prayer for them and your own heart).  

God has accomplished so much here and I am honoured to be along for the ride. I am still blown away by the magnitude of His plans for each of His people. 

“Dear God,

Wow, eight years! What a blessing. I would like to thank you for the amazing people you have brought in to be a part of this plan you have through LOFT. Thank you for our incredible staff. Thank you for the microclimate you have created that we may be able to have fellowship with one another. I pray for my people, that you would call each one so loudly that they can no longer deny the plans that you have for them. That you would fill each one of us up with your love so that when adversity comes we will have your armour of truth and righteousness on and ready to face battle. I pray that each moment of our lives we continue to choose to chase after our relationship with you. Thank you for the time you have given me to serve at LOFT, please keep your mission clear to me so that I can continue to make the tough decisions moving forward. Then I pray for peace that follows knowing that I did what I was asked to do. – AMEN”