A Thankful Heart

Miss Sydney Preps
Miss Sydney Preps

If you look up the definition of fellowship on the internet you will find the description as follows: “a friendly relationship among people”. I like this definition because it is clean, neat and tidy. However, I can not help but feel like the fellowship that the search engine is talking about may not be the same fellowship that Jesus is talking about. Being in the same room as people is hard work. Working along side, encouraging, supporting others callings, caring for/about, sharing in victories/losses and loving people is exhausting, messy work. Yet, it is what we are called to do.

I have been blessed this year by the fellowship that takes place every week in our studio. It is multifaceted fellowship and it truly boggles my mind. Doing Gods work can often be a difficult task. I am so grateful that He has chosen to surrounded me with wonderful people who are also working hard for His glory. I find it very inspirational. Go Team!

This week I am feeling thankful for the fact that I can not do this studio on my own. I am thankful for the fellowship God has provided for a girl who used to think she could do everything all by herself. AMEN!