Patients, Perseverance and Procrastination

Patients, perseverance and procrastination. These are the three “P’s” of my life currently. It is costume time, the spring show is four weeks away (May 28th), and registration begins on May 30th (two days before June. I have been telling people June, alas I was wrong). With all these things on the go there is a great temptation to A) run around like a crazy person pushing nap times back, driving to every store in Abbotsford, and to only consume food that comes into my truck through my window in a brown paper bag stamped with a beautiful golden M on it or to B) hide in bed and leave all the problem solving for “Future Joanne” to take care of.  Why am I so extreme? I am clinging to the promise that God made me this way on purpose.

It is during these crunch times that God provides us with opportunities for learning. We learn to be patient when sales on specific items that we desire for our costumes will not occur until uncomfortably close to the show date. Perseverance to continue to shop, plan and list make to attempt to have all your proverbial bases covered. Lastly we learn about Gods grace when we procrastinate on specific tasks and how in a round about way things work out better or differently than anticipated.

I am grateful that no matter how many more “P’s” I need to be educated on that Gods got my back and will be there to teach me. I am praying that everyone this week can have peace knowing that we are all works in progress and designed intentionally for a very specific tasks in God’s kingdom- where we fall short it will be used to glorify His name. AMEN!