God Must Not Sleep

Love is a tricky emotion. We throw the word “Love” around these days like it was toilet paper, easy to come by and can be purchased in bulk at Costco. New drink at Starbucks; “I love it”, new song on the radio; “I love that song”. Many of us know or have experienced love and yet we can forget how much work is actually required to be emotionally committed enough to fully love something. Nazareth, the 80’s rock band says it the best; “Love Hurts”. Love is quite an extreme emotion filled with high mountains and deep valleys.

I am grateful that God saw fit to include me in the wonderful world of parenting because I have discovered even a new and more intense version of what love can be. I feel as if God is giving us a tiny glimpse into how He cares for us- He aches when we disobey and He rejoices in our obedience. If you are like me you may wonder how your kids are going to turn out as a result of your parenting. I have worn out the horrible avocado green carpet next to my bed with many midnight prayer secessions replaying the days events with my two year old. It is amazing what loving something so intensely can do to your sleep cycle. God must not need sleep.

My prayer for us is that we try our best to be obedient kids for God. Is there something in your life that Gods been calling you to that you have been selectively tuning out? I pray that we (Mrs Joanne too) listen and obey. AMEN!