Many Hands Make Light Work

I remember my first job very clearly. In our family growing up, one of the rights of passage was getting your first job. Specifically, getting your first job at McDonalds. I acquired many skills there and learnt a great deal of my life lessons in the two years I served behind that order counter. Things like you should always walk at a three tile pace (long wide steps that fit three floor tiles in one stride), never skip your shower after your shift, . At one of my reviews I was told that I am an extremely hard worker but that I needed to learn how to work smarter. I never was an extraordinary academic so I just figured that my employer found out my GPA and in order to combat that I would just need to work even harder and longer than everyone else.

What I have since discovered about that critique was that it never had anything to do with getting a good grade (duh) but rather, learn how to be more effective by including others in my work (ultimately His work). God has forced me to do this in epic proportions over the last few years. I am the type who really would like to do everything all by myself (a phase we are now experiencing with our two year old). I chuckle now imagining how that must look to God. He is there willing to help his struggling child but instead I fumble around throwing the occasional temper tantrum when I can’t reach a particular object that He could easily hand to me if only I asked for help. Lucky for me, in His graciousness, He has surrounded me with wonderful, caring, and loving people who are so capable of helping me I literally would be such a fool to refuse. It also helps that He has brought me to the end of myself several times where I literally can not do it on my own.

God doesn’t need me to accomplish His work for Him. I have been lucky enough to be included in His big and beautiful plans. I am still no master at asking for help. However; I have gotten very good at saying “Yes” when someone offers. I pray this week that we can all be thankful for those special people God has called to work along side of each of us. AMEN!