You Don’t Give your Heart in Pieces

Well, it is the eve of the show. I am glued to my laptop and cell phone this afternoon during nap time. I am writing lists and getting things done with help from my grande caramel machiatto. I have been asked by at least a fist full of people today how I am feeling and if we are ready for our show. These are funny questions. I have peace, which is so nice and ready or not tomorrow will come. That is really the only thing we can count on is that time marches on ready or not, with or without us.

While preparing the for the show I have had the opportunity to listen to our music repeatedly. I am totally in love with our first number- “Pieces”. It would be the christian equivalent of one of those epic rock ballads I love so much from my early childhood. In the song the words repeatedly tell us of the things God gives to us in whole. It got me thinking how often I will share a little bit of something first before I share all of it as almost a safe guard against disappointment. Or maybe forgive someone for one thing but wait and see how they accept my forgiveness before forgiving all of their transgressions. Why? People are not like God- this is true, but could we try and be? Could we try and give others all that He gives to us in entirety and not in little chunks that keeps us feeling comfortable or in control? I am going to try- but I can see it is going to be a concept I am going to have to reset mentally several times.

Tonight I pray for all our dancers and parents getting ready for our show tomorrow. I pray that we would be able to give our show our whole efforts, lets not leave any pieces not shared, lets worship God with our whole hearts. AMEN!