Author name: Joanne Puffalt

8 Years In

Today marks LOFT’s eighth birthday and that is remarkable to me.  LOFT started as a voice whispering… “Are you willing?” and me answering “no thank you” multiple times over the course of a few days. I had just had my first baby after experiencing a miscarage earlier that year and I fully intended on taking

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In the Dark

I am sitting here in my quiet living room at 11:58pm ( or 23:58 as it is now known on my phone, thanks to a little boy who seems to always finds the way to change my clock to hundred hour). I am awake, I should be sleeping. I am exhausted but not tired. Is

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How Great Thou Art

Hello friends, I am speaking to you today from the perspective of a women who is 40 +1 weeks pregnant. I would like to begin by saying my pregnancy has been a dream, with all the usual suspects. Swollen feet and hands, morning sickness, wow! Some mighty fierce heart burn, general pain in the usual

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