
In the Dark

I am sitting here in my quiet living room at 11:58pm ( or 23:58 as it is now known on my phone, thanks to a little boy who seems to always finds the way to change my clock to hundred hour). I am awake, I should be sleeping. I am exhausted but not tired. Is

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How Great Thou Art

Hello friends, I am speaking to you today from the perspective of a women who is 40 +1 weeks pregnant. I would like to begin by saying my pregnancy has been a dream, with all the usual suspects. Swollen feet and hands, morning sickness, wow! Some mighty fierce heart burn, general pain in the usual

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Control Freaks

It is fascinating to me how much we believe we are in control. It is an extremely easy illusion to fall captive to. We schedule our days, weeks, and years as efficiently as possible trying to optimize our experiences each season. Even as our babies grow into toddlers and then to kids there are certain

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A Thankful Heart

If you look up the definition of fellowship on the internet you will find the description as follows: “a friendly relationship among people”. I like this definition because it is clean, neat and tidy. However, I can not help but feel like the fellowship that the search engine is talking about may not be the

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God is awesome!

If you are anything like me you may feel, at times, like you can’t believe the things/lives God has in trusted you with. Our pastor spoke briefly this week about the story when Isaiah saw God and how mortified he was when the splendor of the King of Kings compared to his own dark and

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