Fallout Friday


I am not sure how you guys feel, but I know that by Friday my house/life is in a slight disarray. After a crazy work week we are left with Saturday and Sunday to try and put the pieces of the puzzle back together before the craziness begins again. I was planning on getting a jump start on a majority of these projects today, when all progress was halted by a frantic call to poison control and a quick four hour visit to our local emergency room. Needless to say; the day was not spent as I had intended. It was, however, spent exactly as God had intended.

I have a hard time with “Gods timing” sometimes/most times. I get tunnel vision for my plans, goals and deadlines. I am always relieved that God is a bigger boss than me and that I can’t bulldoze “my way” because “His way” is always so so so much better. It is now 7:30 on Friday evening and I have not crossed off a single thing on my to-do list (I may still attempt a chore blitz now that the little one is snug in her bed). Regardless I am comforted by the fact that He made time for our family to spend together, we were able to meet some lovely hospital staff who were kind and attentive to my little stinker, and I still made it home on time to unplug the Loft toilet before a group of young ladies came to worship and learn about God. Side note: my favourite part about having the studio in our home is that Lola gets to fall asleep to laughter, worship music and 5,6,7,8. By rights she should be very good at counting to eight by the time she enters the school system.

I am praying this week for us all to be encouraged by the miraculous things God can do with our 24 hours each day. Remember; His measuring system is so completely different than ours, AMEN!