Hello friends, I am speaking to you today from the perspective of a women who is 40 +1 weeks pregnant. I would like to begin by saying my pregnancy has been a dream, with all the usual suspects. Swollen feet and hands, morning sickness, wow! Some mighty fierce heart burn, general pain in the usual places, nasty tight feelings, stretch marks, extra attention and focus while laughing our loud or jumping, exhaustion, but overall; I am healthy and the babe is healthy and happy too. I feel as though I should be counted among the lucky and yet there is the lingering feeling of the “Old Nature Joanne” tapping her toe and looking at her watch questioning Gods timing in all of this. I am no newbie when it comes to dealing with this particular nature, I like things to be efficient, tidy, and operate in a smooth seamless manor. It is easy to say “I am trusting Gods plan” but how come it brings tears to the rims of my eyes to hear those words uttered by me out loud.
We sang a great song at church on Sunday- a real oldie, “How Great Thou Art”. There is rarely a time when I sing this song that is does not have the same eye watering effect. Something about professing these words that you know are true can really make you feel vulnerable. Then the words give me the most tremendous amounts of comfort to know that the same great God who created such an amazing and beautiful world took the time to create me and this stowaway currently residing in my womb. It only took Him seven days (really six) to make this world so I guess for it to take forty weeks plus for Him to help me form another beautiful creation is not asking so very much from me.
Nope I refuse to complain (today) about that! I may privately in a weak moment, I am human after all. Overall this is good, and for His good plan, and so that I can learn something new this time around too. Between you and me I thought I had learnt all I needed to know the last time I was pregnant; who knew there was still lots of work to be done inside this little old heart of mine. (It is nice God does not show you the amount we need to learn or else we/I many become overwhelmed and quit before ever beginning). I am imagining that this child will also teach me additional things I thought I had under control.
Today, I would like to thank God for our kids- each one is a miracle. I would also like to thank Him for still actively working and cultivating new growth and understanding in my heart. I would also like to ask for forgiveness for judging Sarah ( Abraham’s wife) for rushing ahead to get her baby- regardless of when this baby comes I still have one- I couldn’t imagine waiting for as long as she did. ( ahh so many lessons still to come) AMEN!