Nowadays there is a lot of talk out there about being the best version of yourself. After all, we are coming out of a few intense years of “hustle culture” and are still reeling from its lingering effects. From that we rolled into a “two week” lockdown followed by a continuous saga of emotional highs and lows. I personally have experienced many of my most extreme emotions throughout the entirety of the pandemic. Sometimes it is hard to remember that the state of the world is not a surprise to God.
It was through many of these struggles that I realized that I did not like the “victim” I had allowed myself to become. I had been so focused on providing stability to my students, staff members, community, and my own family that I was reaching a fundamental breaking point. I was disappointed that I had to do all the things that operating a business in a pandemic required me to do. Now I don’t want you to get confused about my position in which I believe God has put me in. I do know that even though I was struggling to keep up with the role, His work was still being completed. Because His perfect plan is sovereign and sometimes requires us looking like absolute dummies as we trudge through murky water. However; it was through this season I recognized that the role God was calling me to stand in was going to require a level of discipline of mind, heart and devotion that had been an area I was reluctant to grow. In order to do what He was asking me to do I couldn’t be the victim I was going to have to be His warrior.
My journey in this respect is far from over. I am still in the process of learning and I hope that I can remain there until God’s purpose with my life is complete. What I wanted to encourage my reader with is that what areas of your life is it clear God is calling you to develop? Are you attempting to not make eye contact with Him?
When I write those words I recognize how frail our human minds can be when we allow ourselves to brood in the dark corners of our hearts. I am reminded of Adam and Eve covering their bodies and hiding in the caves from God overcome by shame.
Do you have areas that are shameful to you? Just giving you a heads up- God already knows about them.
“Dear God, I pray that we can release our shame to You. Please help us to recognize our callings from You and prepare our hearts for accepting Your guidance. Remind us constantly that we are free because of Your sacrifice. Help me to be urgent with the changes you require my heart to make. I also pray that when I recognize my shortcomings that You help me to know You have seen all and use all to serve Your purpose.- AMEN”